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Best Case Hopicana Juicy IPA (All Grain)

  • 76.99

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This extremely juicy IPA is bursting at the seams with tropical and citrus hop flavour. There are no boiling hops in this recipe which lets the flavour and aroma hops shine. The low bitterness and modest ABV keeps this beer refreshing and welcomes you to have another.

OG 1.053 | FG 1.007 | ABV 6% | 21 IBU | 8 SRM
OG based on 80% efficiency.
All values are approximate.

Our Beer Kit Recipes include all the ingredients necessary to make your own batch of handcrafted beer.  Makes 23 Litres

Grainfather Recipe: 23L (6 Gallons)

*It should be noted that some advanced equipment and knowledge is necessary to produce this beer kit.
